Stockton & Hartlepool Green Party are a local group within the Green Party of England and Wales, covering the constituencies of Stockton North, Stockton West, and Hartlepool. Our members and supporters are working together to campaign for a Green future; meaning one which is healthier, environmentally sustainable, and fair. You’ll likely see our team out conducting surveying work in our local area, and we hope to keep residents updated through delivering regular newsletters. We are proud to work hard all-year-round (and not just at election time).
People understandably often tell us that they have lost faith in current politics. Greens propose solutions which are fair to people, are based on the best available evidence, and will be kind to the planet where we live. Unlike other parties, The Green Party has truly progressive national policies proposed and voted on by our members. We are not made up of ‘career politicians’, but instead people who are experts in their own fields (such as scientists, teachers, young carers and students). Therefore our policies are meaningful, and really have community interests at heart. You can read more about them here.

To see who you can vote for at an upcoming election, a useful tool is available at https://whocanivotefor.co.uk. Simply type in your postcode to view candidates from all political parties. You can also find your nearest polling station via https://wheredoivote.co.uk.
Jess Hobson is the local Green Party campaigner for Newtown. She is dedicated to being a visible and approachable advocate for the community. Passionate about helping others, Jess believes that everyone’s voice deserves to be heard. As a Green Party member since 2019, Jess has worked hard to raise the profile of issues relating to mental health, systemic injustice, and social inequalities. She states “in politics, it’s vital that we listen to everyone – especially those who are often silenced. My commitment is to take the concerns of our community and turn them into practical actions that can help make a difference to people’s lives”. Outside of politics, Jess works full-time at a local hospital.
Jess is the Stockton and Hartlepool Green Party Coordinator, she has been in this role since the group was re-founded in 2021. She is former Chair of the ‘North East Young Greens’, and has previously been a Non-Portfolio Officer on the Green Students Committee. Working conscientiously within Newtown Ward, Jess and her growing team value the importance of regular door-knocking to ensure the Green Party is responsive to the issues that matter to everyone. She stays connected with residents through regular newsletters and has been working on the local Green Party ‘manifesto‘ which will outline specifically what Greens pledge to do if elected.
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Sam Bradford is the local Green Party campaigner for Roseworth. He is dedicated to making a difference in the local community and wants to help ensure everyone’s views are heard.
Sam stood as a candidate in the 2024 General Election and has campaigned on issues such as renter’s rights, mental health and social rights. He says “for too long people have felt ignored and let down by people at the top of politics. I commit to listening to local people about issues that matter to them and working as a community to find solutions”. Sam lives and works in the Roseworth area, giving him a great link to the community which he hopes to build on throughout his time as a campaigner.
Sam and his team work hard with the Roseworth community, through regular door knocking and newsletters. This will help get to the heart of issues people are facing. If you would like to know more about what Sam is campaigning on he is currently helping to write the local Green Party ‘manifesto‘ which will outline specific policy areas.
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BlueSky: @SH-GreenParty.Bsky.Social
Facebook: Stockton and Hartlepool Green Party
Instagram: @StocktonHartlepoolGreenParty
Threads: @StocktonHartlepoolGreenParty
Tik-Tok: @StocktonHartlepoolGreens