We're dedicated to making a difference in our local communities and beyond. We have volunteers in a variety of different roles. For instance: social media, canvassing, literature writing, and delivery volunteers. Everyone who supports us really helps make a huge difference.

If you want to get involved, please get in touch.

Despite being hard at work across both Stockton & Hartlepool, we pledge to respond to all communications as soon as possible. You can contact our officers via email, or additionally on social media.

Jess Hobson:

David Stringer:

Kiran Singh:

Chris Stringer and Ken Stringer:

Samuel Bradford:


If you are a Green Party member, please also note that the member's site is available for you to use. You can find internal information on our campaigns, access 'Green Spaces', and update your membership information at




Q: "I want to know who I can vote for at the next election. Will there be any Greens standing where I live?"

A: We want everyone to have the opportunity to vote Green, and we are continuously working towards achieving this goal. To see who you can vote for in the next election, a useful tool is available at Simply type in your postcode to view candidates from all political parties.

Q: "I would like to become a member of Stockton & Hartlepool Green Party. Where can I sign up?"

A: You can join the Green Party at Here, you will be asked for your home postcode which will help the national team connect you with our local group. If you are already a Green Party member, but have recently moved to the area, you can update your details at

Q: "I align with Green values, but do not have any political knowledge or experience. Can I still get actively involved?"

A: We absolutely encourage everyone to get involved in our work. As a local group, we want to make politics as accessible as possible, and therefore commit to avoiding political jargon where we can. It is important for us to create a world where politicians really do reflect the people that they represent; we are passionate about addressing barriers to political participation.

Q: "What kind of opportunities are available for me to get involved in?"

A: There is a chance for everyone to be part of our journey to a better future. From standing in an election, to delivering newsletters, running a campaign, taking on an officer role, helping with our website design, or organising our social media... there is a role waiting for you. If you are wanting to get involved, or have any questions about doing so, please email




We welcome press enquiries and are always happy to provide insight into our work. For more information please email; we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

(National Enquiries: 0203 691 9401).

Please note that our team is made up of dedicated volunteers.