As members of Stockton and Hartlepool Green Party, there are a number of different resources that we use to stay both connected and organised. Our membership system is known as 'Action Network' and it allows us to stay in-touch via email. If you are not receiving regular email updates from ourselves, and they are not appearing in your junk folder, then this may be because you have unsubscribed.

Additionally, we use a combination of both WhatsApp and Slack to communicate with each other between meetings (Slack being for longer and more detailed discussions happening simultaneously in various 'channels'). To join these, you can follow the relevant QR codes on your Local Party Welcome Letter, or email so your membership status can be verified before being sent an invitation.

As a general rule, our meetings are held fortnightly, with details of these being circulated using the above communication methods. We have a shared Google calendar if it helps to plan ahead - covering meetings, events, and action days. (To gain access please email Our Google Drive is where we store documents such as meeting minutes, our constitution, reports, and planning.

We are on Twitter and Instagram.

Please also know that the Green Party Member's site is available for you to use. You can find internal information on our campaigns, access 'Green Spaces', and update your membership information at
