Our officers are elected yearly by our members, as outlined in our constitution (a set of rules which outline how we are organised).
To see who you can vote for at an upcoming election, a useful tool is available at Simply type in your postcode to view candidates from all political parties. You can also find your nearest polling station via
Jess Hobson is the elected Green Party campaigner for Newtown. She is dedicated to being a visible and approachable advocate for the community. Passionate about helping others, Jess believes that everyone’s voice deserves to be heard. As a Green Party member since 2019, Jess has worked hard to raise the profile of issues relating to mental health, systemic injustice, and social inequalities. She states “in politics, it’s vital that we listen to everyone – especially those who are often silenced. My commitment is to take the concerns of our community and turn them into practical actions that can help make a difference to people’s lives”. Outside of politics, Jess works full-time as a Crisis Nurse at a local hospital.
Jess is the Stockton and Hartlepool Green Party Coordinator, she has been in this role since the group was re-founded in 2021. She is former Chair of the ‘North East Young Greens’, and has previously been a Non-Portfolio Officer on the Green Students Committee. Working conscientiously within Newtown Ward, Jess and her growing team value the importance of regular door-knocking to ensure the Green Party is responsive to the issues that matter to everyone. She stays connected with residents through regular newsletters and has helped to write the local Green Party ‘manifesto‘ which outlines specifically what Greens pledge to do if elected.
Samuel Bradford is the elected Green Party campaigner for Roseworth.
In addition to our elected officers and campaigners, we have volunteers in a variety of different roles. For instance: helping to run our social media, canvassing, writing our newsletters, and members who help deliver our leaflets. Everyone who supports us really helps make a huge difference.
We work together within ‘Slack’ so everyone can remain feeling supported. If you want to know more, please get in-touch. Members are also invited to regular action days, and occasionally we extend these to non-members who are our supporters too.
Supporters can sign-up to hear from us using the form below. Members can also use this to subscribe for email updates.